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8:00 to 5:00 M-F | Hawaii Standard Time


The Hawaii County Planning Department provides technical advice to the Mayor, Planning Commission, and County Council on all planning and land use matters. The Department is also charged with the administration of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes. Planning in this case refers to preparing documents and drawings for submittal to the Planning Department.

Here are some examples of Planning Applications:

Special Permit

A special permit provides a landowner relief in exceptional situations where the use desired would not change the essential character of the district nor be inconsistent therewith. For permits involving land less than 15 acres, county planning commissions may permit certain “unusual and reasonable uses” within agricultural and rural districts other than those for which the district is classified.  For permits involving land greater than 15 acres, the Land Use Commission makes the final decision.  The Office of Planning reviews and comments on special permit petitions.

Plan Approval

Is required when new usable floor area is added to a commercial property. The Planning Department reviews the project site plan for compliance with zoning/land use, setbacks, access, parking and lanscaping requirements.

SMA (Special Management Area) Assessment 

The Special Management Area is land area in close proximety to the shore line. The Planning Department reviews project submittals to determine if an SMA Permit will be required.

SMA (Special Management Area) Permit

The SMA permit regulates permissible land uses that are already allowed by land use policies including zoning designations, county general plans, and community development plans.

Ohana Dwelling Permit

Allows owners of Residencial zoned lots to build a second dweling unit with a full kitchen.

Additional Farm Dwelling Agreement

Allows owners of Agricultural zoned lots to build additional farm dwelings to provide housing for their farm workers.

Planning Maps

Hawaii County

Zoning Map Hawaii

USGS Map Hawaii

Concurency Map Kona